Sign up for a subscription today for emotional and practical suppport to care for your loved ones. Yaya subscriptions brings you peace of mind by providing preventative and impactful care for often overlooked health issues.
Social Health subscription
Social Health
USD $39/month
Yaya Social Health subscription includes:
Friendly calls every two weeks

Friendly calls over the phone or zoom from your personal carer to prevent loneliness.
Check-ins over text

Reach your personal carer over text any time you want.
**Coming soon** Community events

Sign your loved on up for virtual or local community events to help them meet other members and make friends.
Health & Wellness subscription
Health & Wellness
USD $79/month
Yaya Health & Wellness subscription includes everything from Social health plus:
Monthly health calls from nurse

Monthly health calls over the phone or zoom every month.
Direct texting hotline to nurses

Reach out to our team of nurses any time with questions or concerns that come up.
Health and wellness products delivered

We order recommended health and wellness products straight to your home.